Story Of My Life

From where it began

How I recreated myself through positivity and incremental change

I hail from the lush green UNESCO World Heritage site Coorg. Since my childhood, I have valued my culture and heritage. Although I moved to Bangalore to study and work, I remain connected to my roots in Coorg even today. I am successfully managing my family business in Coorg of plantation, estate and its products.

Before my stint in mentoring and coaching, I founded my solopreneurship venture in 2010 – Corporate Placements. This headhunting firm focuses on senior-level hiring for niche domains, such as Engineering, Media and Telecom.

As a talent management specialist, my interaction with individuals allowed me to interact with people from multi-ethnic and multilingual backgrounds. It has given me the experience to handle the complexity of life situations. Furthermore, as a wife, mother to a young child and as a solo entrepreneur, I have hands-on experience in the world of self-employment and the challenges it holds for women.

I also support compassion towards animals and work for rescuing dogs and cats through the initiative 'Adopt Don't Shop'. I have hand-raised several rescued animals offering the voiceless better lives.

Life away from my immediate family, managing the dual task of raising a child and entrepreneurship has often made me feel anxious and discouraged. I often felt as if I am at the bottom of an endless pit. I could gather myself back only through continuous change and positivity.

At the heart of my unique integrated lifestyle coaching methodology lies the 'concept of change'. Heraclitus, the famous Greek philosopher, said, 'Change is the only constant'. Most of us know that change will bring joy and happiness to our lives. Yet, it is often scary to think about immense change all of a sudden. I believe that one can adopt incremental changes to their daily habits and routine and achieve desired goals. This philosophy stems from the Japanese Kaizen technique. The Kaizen philosophy is highly effective as it leads to exceptional results through continuous minor tweaks in the daily routine. I follow a three-pronged strategy to simplify my clients' challenges and to resolve conflicting life situations.

Life assessment:

Personal reflection is the first task towards Life Assessment. As a personal life consultant, I evaluate my clients on various parameters such as health, emotional quotient related to relationships, work and career, financial commitments, hobbies, and new challenges. After evaluating parameters, I advise course correction as a consultant and suggest gradual changes to handle individual and professional difficulties. This method is productive as individuals often balance physically and emotionally demanding multiple roles. In such situations, drastic changes may be tricky and upsetting. However, small changes in daily lifestyle are easy to implement and follow.

Professional and Social Life Strategy:

No matter how much we speak of work-life balance, professional and personal lives overlap in reality. Gadgets and technology always keep us on our toes. In addition, social media is constantly creating virtual peer pressure- 'to keep up with the Joneses. Therefore, a professional and social life strategy helps in maintaining a work-life balance.
My tailormade individual program chalks out the personal and professional life gaps to handle the issues that lead to boredom and unhappiness. I have also spent over a decade in talent mapping and acquisition. In addition, I provide career advice and career counselling to aspiring professionals.

Internal balance:

'Mens Sana In Corpore Sano'- A healthy mind in a healthy body. As a Certified Yoga Wellness Instructor, a healer and a happiness coach, I mentor my clients to invest in physical health and mental well-being. Yoga and meditation help achieve internal balance. It helps in addressing obesity, depression and anxiety. As a healing coach, I can guide your way to integrating the mind and body to achieve true inner peace.